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Servant Leadership

A new management philosophy.   This is the core engine of the Proactive Thinking   Framework.

The concept of Servant Leadership was first formalized by Robert K. Greenleaf in the early 1970s to describe a Leader who, by putting People at the center in an inverted pyramid hierarchical model with Customers first and then Employees, sees his or her role as one of service to People (Team) aimed at collaboratively creating value (for Employees, Customers and Shareholders).


The "Proactive Thinking™ Servant Leadership" philosophy builds on this truly "sustainable" foundation by giving it full substance (in combination with the other elements of the Framework, i.e., the methodology and the software) by stating that the Manager's role is to:


The Proactive Thinking™ «Servant Leadership»  philosophy at the base of the Framework maintains that the role of a Manager is to:

Assign «achievable» GOALS to the Team and always link such GOALS to measurable KEY RESULTS INDICATORS.


Make sure that the assigned GOALs are consistent with those passed down from the higher management levels (strategy).



Listen to and assist the team, guiding and supporting each individual in the continuous and proactive discovery and mitigation of all RISKS linked to the ASSIGNED GOALs.

Use the feedback received from the Team to constantly ensure that the assigned goals remain achievable and to decline any new goals consistent with the existing ones.


Timely report to the higher management level any CRITICAL RISK vs. ASSIGNED GOALS that can’t be directly mitigated by the Manager and his/her Team.

The Servant Leadership management philosophy requires that every Manager constantly removes the obstacles that can prevent people from achieving their assigned objectives and fully realizing their potential. This alignment approach maximizes results, while minimizing conflict and resistance to change. 


The Overblue™ software platform

implements the principles of the Proactive Thinking™ Servant Leadership philosophy.

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